Thursday, March 20, 2008

#15 October 2005

My occupational therapist made me throw up. I'm never going back to him. He put me in front of this board thing where I had take a piece and look at the assigned letter. Say it was "A." Then I had to find the "A" on the board and match it up. I told him if I did that I would get sick. He said "Well suck it up. You need to get used to it some time." And so I did it. He went to take care of business and I started matching letters up. My sister, Kelsie, was with me. I told her I was feeling sick, so she had me sit down. Soon after I started walking to the bathroom while throwing up on myself and everything. So they gave me hospital clothes to change into and I went home.

I'm sorry, I just shared with you one of my worst experiences ever, second only to being in a coma. Yeah, well, throwing up is not my occupation either. Another poor guess on the part of my occupational therapists! If it wasn't for the fact that these people saved my life and taught me to walk and stuff, I would be furious with them all.

Another game from occupational therapy.

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