Tuesday, March 18, 2008

#14 December 2005

I'm going to this new physical therapist. Its a vestibular therapist in Salt Lake City. She said that my vestibular system isn't working at all right now and so she gave me assignments to do every day and I go see her about every two weeks. Right now, the exercises are working on standing on a foam pad with my eyes closed and doing this thing where I move my head back and forth. That makes me so very dizzy; I hate it. Standing on the foam pad is so hard.

She said that all people with a TBI go through a time when they're very sad and cry a lot and she feels bad for people who haven't gone through it yet because she knows they will. She said that there is a time of morning because a part of you is gone forever. It's like the You you knew died. I get what she's saying, and I really hope I'm going through that right now because it is not so bad!
[side note, I wasn't and hadn't]

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